Media Coverage

Online vaccine management portal U-Win will be launched later this month to maintain a permanent digital record of vaccination and medicines of more than three crore pregnant women and almost 2.7 crore children born annually, Union Health Secretary Apurva Chandra said on Friday.

The U-Win platform, a replication of the COVID-19 vaccine management system Co-WIN, is being run in a pilot mode in all states and Union territories, except for West Bengal, and captures every vaccination event of all pregnant women and children undher the Universal Immunization Programme (UIP).
Dr V K Paul, Member (Health), NITI Aayog, inaugurated a National Conference on “Universal Access to Healthcare: Digital Solutions” in New Delhi. He highlighted the importance of a strong primary healthcare system in reducing the healthcare burden in later ages and emphasized the steps being taken to strengthen this network.
India will roll out this month the U-WIN platform, which will keep a permanent digital record of vaccination and medicines of more than three crore pregnant women and mothers and almost 2.7 crore children born annually, the government said Friday.
India will roll out this month the U-WIN platform, which will keep a permanent digital record of vaccination and medicines of more than three crore pregnant women and mothers and almost 2.7 crore children born annually, the government said Friday.
The website will serve as a comprehensive resource for conservationists, researchers, policymakers, and wildlife enthusiasts, providing valuable information and promoting collaboration across borders. Speaking at the launch event, I complimented the member and signatory countries of IBCA.
राष्ट्रीय बाघ संरक्षण प्राधिकरण, सांकला फाउंडेशन, राष्ट्रीय मानवाधिकार आयोग और अंतर्राष्ट्रीय बिग कैट एलायंस के सहयोग से नई दिल्ली में चार दिवसीय प्रदर्शनी का आयोजन किया जा रहा है। इस कला प्रदर्शनी “साइलेंट कन्वर्सेशन: फ्रॉम मार्जिन्स टू द सेंटर” के दूसरे संस्करण का उद्घाटन केंद्रीय विदेश मंत्री डॉ. एस. जयशंकर ने किया।
Countering the perception that tigers as a species can only evoke fear, tribal artists, who live in and around tiger reserves, are here in Delhi to tell a story of how the majestic beast, revered by many as “Baghdev” in their culture, is an inspiration for creativity that finds expression in art and gives a strong message for harmnious co-existence as the essence of sustainable development.
Union Minister for External Affairs, Dr. S. Jaishankar inaugurated the second edition of the art exhibition “Silent Conversation: From Margins to the Centre” in New Delhi on 17 October, 2024. The four-day exhibition has been organized by the National Tiger Conservation Authority in collaboration with the Sankala Foundation, the National Human Rights Commission and the International Big Cat Alliance
India highlights its development entwined with ecological conservation, emphasizing tribal communities’ vital role in Project Tiger’s success. With 70% of the world’s wild tiger population, India’s policies integrate environmental and development needs, ensuring no one is left behind.
A coffee table book, ‘Tigers and Tribes: A Silent Conversation’ is born out of a three-day art exhibition in Delhi, organised by the National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA) and the Sankala Foundation to commemorate 50 years of Project Tiger. These 50 years of tiger conservation in India have been a battle between tribal rights activists and wildlife conservationists. The creation of people-free tiger reserves has been the mainstay of NTCA’s tiger conservation efforts and securing rights to traditional forest areas has been the hope and dream for India’s forest-dwelling tribal communities.
विदेश मंत्री एस जयशंकर ने जैव विविधता की रक्षा करने में जनजातीय समुदायों की भूमिका की सराहना करते हुए कहा कि भारत की विकास यात्रा पर्यावरण संरक्षण के साथ गहराई से जुड़ी है। जयशंकर ने बृहस्पतिवार को जनजातीय कला प्रदर्शनी – ‘साइलेंट कन्वर्सेशन: फ्रॉम द मार्जिन्स टू द सेंटर’ (मौन संवाद: हाशिये से केंद्र तक) के उद्घाटन के अवसर पर यहां ‘इंडिया हैबिटेट सेंटर’ में आयोजित एक कार्यक्रम को संबोधित करते हुए 1973 में शुरू किए गए ‘प्रोजेक्ट टाइगर’ की भी प्रशंसा की।
The exhibition centred on illustrating the deep emotional relationship that tribal communities and forest dwellers share with nature, particularly their connection to tigers. Many of these communities reside near tiger reserves and have played a vital role in wildlife conservation through their traditions and way of life.
कला प्रदर्शनी `खामोश संवाद: हाशिये से केंद्र तक’ का द्वितीय संकलन 17 अक्टूबर से देश की राजधानी में शुरू होगा. इसका उद्घाटन केंद्रीय विदेश मंत्री डॉ एस जयशंकर करेंगे। इस मौके पर पर्यावरण, वन एवं जलवायु मंत्री भूपेंद्र यादव भी उपस्थित रहेगें। इस चार-दिवसीय प्रदर्शनी का आयोजन राष्ट्रीय बाघ संरक्षण प्राधिकरण और संकला फाउंडेशन द्वारा किया गया है। राष्ट्रीय मानव अधिकार आयोग (भारत) और इंटरनेशनल बिग कैट्स अलायन्स इसका समर्थन कर रहे हैं।
India’s development journey is “deeply intertwined” with environmental conservation, External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar said on Thursday and lauded tribal communities for their role in protecting biodiversity.
Millions of Indians face extreme water pressure, only worsened by the impacts of climate change – erratic monsoons, the increasing frequency and intensity of flooding, and droughts. The Jal Jeevan Mission, a flagship initiative of the government of India, aims to provide clean, safe drinking water through household tap connections to every rural home by the end of 2024. As of September 2024, over 150 million tap connections have been installed – a big leap from the three million in 2019.
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